
誠信守義 認(rèn)真高效 審時并進(jìn) 聚河成海

Integrity and righteousness, conscientiousness and efficiency, keeping pace with the times, and working together to achieve great things.

誠信守義 認(rèn)真高效 審時并進(jìn) 聚河成海

Integrity and righteousness, conscientiousness and efficiency, keeping pace with the times, and working together to achieve great things.

誠信守義 認(rèn)真高效 審時并進(jìn) 聚河成海

Integrity and righteousness, conscientiousness and efficiency, keeping pace with the times, and working together to achieve great things.

Our Advantages

To assist customers in maximizing value with consistent and excellent quality

About us

Dalian Huahai Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. is a large-scale ship engineering company that integrates ship repair, shipbuilding, Complete engine sales, engine parts sales, and engine maintenance.

Adhering to the concept of "sailing far and wide in the seas of China", the company is willing to grow together with you and triumph together.

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Company Department

To assist customers in maximizing value with consistent and excellent quality

Supply Information

To assist customers in maximizing value with consistent and excellent quality

  • Complete engine
  • Engine spare parts
  • Other products
  • News

    To assist customers in maximizing value with consistent and excellent quality


    Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

    Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping in China.

    Copyright © 2023 Dalian Huahai Ship Engineering Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved

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